Yep, seven months pregnant. This one is really flying by! (Remind me of that the last few weeks as I turn into a unbearable, impatient, Medusa of a woman!) Here is my seven month belly picture for those who haven't had a good laugh at me in a while. Yes, I am wearing stripes. Probably not the most flattering choice for a swollen belly, but really, what is? May as well wear stripes and see what the zebras are talking about! And I must say, looking down into a tummy covered in stripes really took my mind off my ever-increasing backside. Just saying.
Anyway, I really didn't want to turn the blog into just a pregnancy blog but since that's what's going on in our house, a lot of life does revolve around it. Mostly, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, snack, snack, snack. The girls are at the perfect stage in life to be enjoying this whole baby thing. I am so glad we decided to have our last (yes, really this time!!) baby now. The girls adore going to the check-ups with us, Kary is quite the expert at using the feta-scope! Both of them like to play The Baby Place (the birthing center we are using) and I have hopes that they will remember the wonderful experience when they are older and become mommies. Ian is enjoying round 3 of baby as well, he is already picking out Star Trek onsies for the child. Poor child! We are both having fun watching my tummy reenact the scene from Alien even though it creeps Ian out when the baby wacks him while he's sleeping. Finally a way to wake Ian up! Heehee. I am having fun with this one too, feeling pretty good in spite of normal pregnancy discomforts. And at the end of the day when Ian rubs my feet and lets me have my own bag of potato chips, I mean, carrot sticks, I get quite happy looking forward to meeting our new addition. Boy or girl, this kid is going to be spoiled rotten!
The past month Kary turned 4. Yes, 4. That's just crazy! She is getting so big (OK, not big, but her hair is growing and she's getting more mature!) She is really loving having Gramma & Papa live so close and begs most nights for a slumber party at their "Low House". Mommy is happy to oblige often!
Aly is getting ready to turn 6 this month. 6!!! Six is a big year in our house, the year where you are allowed to chew gum and get your ears pierced. Years ago when I pulled that number out of the air, I really didn't think the day would come so quickly. It did. Why didn't I say 13???? Another exciting thing in Aly's life is that we (Ian, started it!) sent her picture to a talent agency and they accepted her! This agency is well-known and has been around for years with a great reputation and they only accept 10-15% of applicants. Aly will start by doing photo shoots and in a few years if she wants will get into commercials, etc. She was a little shy and nervous about it at first but when she was told she'd get paid and be able to wear small amounts of makeup on the shoots, she was sold! She is determined to save half her wages for a horse while we are determined to save the rest for her education fund! Kary may want to follow in Aly's footsteps in a few years, but we feel she is still to young right now. Besides, she may just end up being a rugby star. Or a ninja. Or an assassin. Who knows???
The rest of our family, the four footed furry ones, are doing good, The puppy, Gibbs, found a fun game called "Get into the shed and pull out everything u can, then litter the yard with it." He is really great at that game and the other 2 dogs are happy to help him turn the lawn into a graveyard for toys, shoes and the occasional flower pot. Now that the snow has melted and turned into rain, our yard looks really, um, lovely. Otherwise, the puppy is learning his manners and seems to be quite smart. We are hoping he'll make a great k-9 for Ian when Bosco retires.
So, that's what's new in jolly ol' Homedale right now! Now, leave your comments so I feel loved. thanks!